You're not p aid for how hard you work as a CEO/CXO/Leader...

A leader is not paid for how hard they work.

They are paid to keep the business in high performance mode.

This is done firstly by keeping themselves in high performance mode.

Then in turn supporting each individual in the business to be in high performance mode.

Mental and physical health are two huge if not primary aspects of this.

The greatest mistake businesses are making in this area is to think that mental and physical health are ACCESS and KNOWLEDGE issues.

So they provide teaching and services.

Yet there has never been greater access to services and there has never been more useful knowledge available.

They are not information issues but implementation issues.

This requires an entirely different approach because the thing that needs to be implemented will be entirely different for each individual and must come from them.

This is the essence of coaching and leadership. It is supporting each individual toward self directed neuroplasticity.

It is what we mean when we say that leadership is not about instruction and solving peoples problems for them.

But through extraction, knowing they have the ability to solve their own problems.

hashtag#health hashtag#leadership hashtag#business hashtag#coaching

Ed Ley