Is it costing you millions not leading from neuroscience

There is a reality to how brains function.

You know this obviously.

You don’t work 24/7 because you know you need sleep for example.

Ok, people do sacrifice sleep all too often but you get my point.

There are realities to human nature.

If we align with them performance goes up.

When we misalign with them it goes down.

What I have found in every business I have been into it that they do some things that fundamentally goes against how the human brain works.

More, they are easily fixed.

You’ll recognise the following words:




Impostor syndrome

These 4 things affect everyone to a degree.

Burnout - I don’t have enough energy to do what needs to be done.

Overwhelm - I feel like I have too much to do so I can’t focus on what’s important.

Procrastination - I can’t get myself to do what’s important.

Impostor syndrome - I’m worried about what other people think.

These 4 plague human beings and lead to many of the problems companies face.

* Difficulty keeping deadlines

* Difficulty retaining staff

* Staff absence

* Staff stress

* Conflict

* Gossip

* Politics

You see the brain works like a battery 🔋

The brain is constantly scanning the environment and asking

What’s happening?

What’s going to happen?

What should I do about that?

Is what I’m about to do worth the effort?

In amongst the chaos of being asked for help by people with urgency in their voice, receiving emails and slack messages, managing life and maintaining their job…

The brain often deems what’s most important TOO expensive.

Because it’s new and they aren’t sure how to do it.

Because they might fail or underperform and be judged.

Because there are difficult conversations involved.

Because they have to say no to all those who want their help right now.

All of this is a huge drain on the brain battery.

And most companies ignore this reality.

They use pressure and accountability to try and force action and inadvertently push people to stress, burnout, illness and all the day to day failure to deliver that’s so common in the workplace.

Fortunately there is a simple conversation that leaders can have with their teams every day that will support this and significantly reduce the energy drain while removing overwhelm and procrastination.

What’s most important today/ this week?

Why is it important?

What’s the deadline?

What 3 things are likely to get in your way?

What will you do about that?

What help do you need?

How can I help?

If you felt comfortable telling the truth what would you tell me about this project?

What’s your first step?

What did you achieve yesterday?

And with these simple questions you support, give permission, create strategy, reduce fear of judgment and become a team!

If you do this I’d love to hear how you get on.

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