If we stopped calling it planet earth and we started calling it a spaceship would it change everything?

Would we see more clearly that not distributing the food evenly was not only wrong it was sabotaging the whole?

Would we see that deaths due to poor distribution of abundant resources like water, shelter, food, education, health care was not just barbaric but that fixing this problem today would transform the whole spaceship for the better with more minds, more travel, more innovation, more communication and more love?

Would we better understand that how we treat other people has ripple effects that set the tone for the whole crew?

Would be able to more clearly recognise that we have something unique to contribute?

Perhaps even look at work as either fulfilling a need that benefits all, an innovation that improves the quality of life for all or entertainment that improves the happiness of all and if it isn’t that then it doesn’t need doing and will eat away at the soul of the doer?

Would we more clearly be able to understand that all people are the same but they all think very differently and that this is vital if we are to approach all problems and challenges from multiple angles?

Would we acknowledge that if we use up non-renewable resources or destroy fundamental building blocks of life that the ship will become uninhabitable?

Would we be able to see that if someone creates something that makes life a little easier but that something either negatively impacts our health, takes resources out of the system or requires abuse of another living things then that something is in fact a poison in a shiny bottle that will slowly kill the crew?

Would we more clearly see that it’s actions that guide the success of the mission not words?

Would we fundamentally understand that there are no bad apples but that what appears to be a bad apple has been systematically created by all of us?

Would we see that locking up individuals doesn’t fix the problem but rather drains resources and ignores a problem that grows by being ignored?

Would we recognise that the real power is in collective action and that voting isn’t just about the ballot box it’s about what you eat, how you treat people, how you travel, where you work and where you buy the things you need and who you give your money to?

Would we see that we all have the same mission?
