What if everything you’ve been told about creating incredible health and boundless energy turned out to be wrong?

The reason it is wrong is that the filter through which we must look at general health knowledge (YOUR LIFE) tends to renders what might be healthy for one unhealthy for another and ANOTHER today means most business leaders.

Long bouts of cardiovascular exercise (over 20 minutes) might be beneficial for someone but it also increases stress hormone release and reduces muscle mass.

So if you are already experiencing symptoms of stress such as constant worry, anxiety, stomach fat, low energy, alcohol dependence, excessive phone usages, poor sleep to name a few then cardiovascular exercise is likely ANOTHER coping mechanism that will ultimately if not immediately do more harm than good.

Reducing calorie consumption is potentially great advice. If you’re consuming every nutrient that you need and you have a LOT of energy and you’re in great health but if you are carrying a few too many pounds of fat then reducing your consumption in a methodical and structured way might do you the world of good.

If however you are experiencing low energy, energy slump, excess fat, poor health markers, stress, poor sleep to name a few then reducing your consumption still further would be to deprive your body of even more of the building blocks required for good health.

Reducing meat, fish and eggs consumption might temporarily be excellent advice if you are experiencing symptoms that point to potential food sensitivity and you are engaging in an experimental elimination process.

However, if you’re experiencing low energy, belly fat, physical pain, stress, poor sleep, poor health symptoms then sufficient complete proteins that ONLY come from meat, fish, and eggs (without huge time, research and effort) then to reduce protein is to reduce the very building blocks of life. In fact as a coach who has been paid to get real world results in these symptoms for 14 years I can tell you that INSUFFICIENT protein intake is always one of the primary ingredients in causing and reducing these symptoms.

Eat little and often might be good advice for someone who spend their time in a VERY relaxed state so can digest optimally and is consuming highly digestible foods such a fruit with no other options.

However to give this advice to someone who is working, chasing deadlines, going from meeting to meeting and requiring a highly focused state where their nervous system has disengaged the process of digestion is to invite low energy and digestive health issues as food is left undigested and putrified in the gut.

The truth is not in the opinions of any expert or their ideas of right and wrong but rather, it’s in the results.

The results don’t lie.

What are YOUR results telling YOU?

Are you looking, feeling and performing better as a result of your approach or (like most people) are you putting in far too much time, effort and energy for far too little in return?

Only you know the REAL answer but if it’s the latter then here’s a follow up question that might change EVERYTHING for you.

How much longer are you going to stay committed to what’s NOT working?
