Have you ever had a massive life goal you put all of your energy into?

For me it was becoming a professional footballer. I practised all the time. I could do a ton of tricks, more than most of my friends. I had quick feet, I was very skilful, lots of people said lots of nice things. There were big indicators that I could go somewhere with it. 

There were also massive neon glowing signs that I was going nowhere with it. I was a practise king but couldn't turn it to a game. 

A solvable problem, but a problem I would never let myself see. 

Between dream and reality sits data or delusion. I decided to choose the latter. To enjoy the praise and ignore the data. 

In doing so I was choosing to stick with my current reality. ie give up on my dream to avoid discomfort. To avoid the fact that I was far from the finished article. 

Regardless of what our goal is, building a business, achieving certain health markers, fitness, writing a book. What ever it is you have two point. 

Goal achievement;
and current reality. 

What separates these two things is data, things that need to happen. Facts based in reality. 

or delusion 

Delusion is a belief that, though false, has been surrendered to and accepted by the whole mind as a truth. 

I'm just unlucky
I deserve it
If I just keep doing what I'm doing
They said I was great
It's genetic
They are out to get me
They don't understand me
My life is harder
I've been following the plan to the letter
I work harder than everyone else
It's not fair
They're just lucky
I'm different 

Delusion is so hard to spot in ourselves but data isn't. It's the numbers in your business it's the dry facts. 

If you're not where you want to be then don't be like I was. Get the facts, get the numbers, don't make up a story to make yourself feel better. 

Choose data not delusion
Don't believe the hype 

Ed Ley
