You are going to die

Today was a job swap day, I did the nursery run and Christina did the school run. 

I didn't do it well,

Don't get me wrong, it could have been much worse, it just took me 30 minutes longer.

There were little things I didn't know how to do, like signing in, and the house is a mess to go back to.

All of that is just the reality of doing something new. 

To expect anything different would be to set yourself up for frustration and resistance to the task another time. 

This isn't about expectations or new skills today though, this is about appreciation. 

Frustration, Criticism and complaining often comes from the belief that someone has done something they shouldn't have or not done something they should have. 

Those should's come from our unique experience and our unique way of seeing the world and operating in it. 

There is no truth, there is only our truth and everyone has their own. 

Appreciation is the antidote to our inner critic. 

Swapping roles is a great way to develop that appreciation. 

It that doesn't work, 

Then take a cue from the stoics and remember 

Momento mori - you are going to die. 

So are they. 

Impermanence is the root of beauty. 

The more we kept it in mind the more accepting we become. We see the beauty in the imperfection as we do with little children. 

I'm going to tidy the house now 

Ed Ley

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Ed Ley