Monday prayer

The morning after the weekend before

Sort of a mantra if you like... 

We have had a great weekend doing the full tourist thing in Copenhagen. 

We also drank more alcohol than we normally would.

We slept less than we normally would and went to bed later. 

We also ate a lot of junk food. 

All of these things throw the body out of rhythm. 

Circadian rhythm is off
Hormones have been adjusted
Hydration levels are low

Aches and pain grow from this. 
Foggy brain grows from this. 
Anxiety grows from this. 
Sugar craving grows from this. 
Mouth breathing grows from this. 

This isn't illness on the way
This isn't injury on the way
This isn't a time for asking yourself about the meaning of life or listening to any of the stories your brain concocts to explain your current feelings. 

This is your brain and nervous system working hard to re-gain homeostasis. 

Help it. 

Drink lots of water, add a pinch of rock salt. 
Try fasting til lunch
Do some gentle full body movements
Avoid sugar
Eat a lot of veg
Practise letting your thoughts go
Spend some time outside 

This is my Monday prayer. 

It's to keep me sane while my body normalises. 

If it helps you too then all the better 

Ed Ley
