The path of PASSION and PURPOSE aligns feelings and action.

[The Path Purpose]

Sometimes one of the hardest things to notice is when you have slipped into the wrong path.

There are so many paths and the most travelled have such deep grooves we can so easily lose focus and find ourselves slipping into one and travelling on autopilot.

There’s the peers path, this one seems safe and familiar. It’s full of the me too’s of shared experience. But often me too’s are to justify actions, workaholism, alcoholism, or other isms, it’s hard to see because we’re following the crowd but it’s often filled with mental or physical health issues.

There’s the praise path, this path is often intoxicating as first we acted and got applause. Now we act for the applause and find ourselves pandering to it. It controls our choices and so direction. We are blown where ever the wind takes us and physically suffer, when the applause stops. Then always as we spend our lives second guessing how we should act to gain the applause or avoid its loss.

There’s the rebels path, this one seems strong and independent at first but really it’s still controlled by those we are rebelling against. You’re still a puppet if you’re only acting in opposition.

There is the people pleasing path, on this path there is easiness as for a while life seems to be conflict free and people seem happy to be around us. But before long people lose trust and confidence in us. They dumb on us and lose tolerance for us as they treat us like we treat ourselves, not consciously but with our permission.

The potential path. This path is where we live up to the expectations of our parents and teachers. The path of success or rather what others deem success. This path has a high paying job, a big house, 2.4 children and more. Often there’s also long hours, little happiness, little love, little laughers and little freedom as you’re obsessed with winning but never get to be enough.

PASSION and PURPOSE are inside measures of course, I’m not pointing fingers here but I see the patterns play out over and over.

The path of PASSION and PURPOSE aligns feelings and action.

We are all pulled off path from time to time, the peer, praise, potential, rebel, and people pleasing can be enticing and simple at times. It’s when we are too long off the path that we become overwhelmed, lost, confused, stuck, de-motivated.

The path of passion and purpose does what’s fun and fulfilling and it fails often.

It diverge’s from peers and you’ll often appear crazy, there is not always praise, it looks like rebellion, it’s questioned by those who saw your potential, it says no often, it’s driven by values and beliefs and passion and purpose are its constant companion.

What makes it most valuable is that it is NOT the path TOO happiness, health and success.

It is the path OF happiness, health and success. It’s the path you would take even if you knew you wouldn’t be success.

Ed Ley