“What are your wins of the last 6 weeks?" I asked her.

“I no longer have adrenal fatigue,

I have several more clients at the times I want to see them, 
I am making more money, 
I have more energy,
I am finally running again without my heart nearly
I have taken on 2 corporate clients
My relationships have improved,
I’m more confident”. She said emphatically. 

“Wow, that’s quite a list, what’s different?” I asked.

"I started getting more sleep,
I did some more marketing
I started taking a bit more time for myself
and resting a little as well as eating more”.

“That’s cool” I said, "you knew all of those things already though right?” 

“Ummm, yes”. she replied

“SO what did you actually do differently, what came before each of those benefits?” 

The line went quiet for a moment…

“an uncomfortable conversation.” She said. 

“So would it be fair to say that you never had a health problem or a business problem, you had a fear of uncomfortable conversations problem that was manifesting in your health and business”.

I asked, then butted in again… 

I do that…

“by the way, I do exactly the same thing, our mammalian brains wants us to fit in and go with the flow so it tries to make us run from discomfort.” 

“Yes it would" she said.

“So whats the best way to be wise to this and stop
yourself from slipping back and keep the rewards
coming?” I asked.

“start looking for conversations or situations that
make me uncomfortable” she said. 


I said. 

Ed Ley
