Posts tagged stress
15 Principles of Person Growth I Have Learned During My 15 Years of Working With Leaders

⭕️ You will never fully convince someone they are wrong, only reality can. Support them to expose their reality

⭕️ The place you most need to go is hidden where you least want to look. Get a coach, board, mentor and give them freedom to challenge you.

⭕️ There is no evolution without skin in the game. Evolution is often dependent upon facing your fears.

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4 Things That Good Leaders Are Good At That Prevent Them From Being GREAT Leaders.

Good leaders are good at grinding out those difficult weeks that come with big decisions and many business critical things outside of their control. The trouble is that the grind creates survival habits and a survival environment that serves to make these weeks more stressful and the rest of the time recovery for leader and company.

Great leaders step back and find the perspective shift required to embrace what ever comes allowing them separate their choices from their current level of certainty about the future. Whether chaos or calm, it’s chop wood carry water.

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“I’m not drinking today mate. I’ve got some things on that are REALLY important to me and so I want to have a clear head tomorrow “.

He didn’t know it but I was also living that meaning in that moment.

That’s what purpose is.

It’s not some off in the distance goal.

It’s who you are being in every moment.

Who you are in your relationship

How you parent

How you act with your friends

How you eat, sleep, exercise

How you lead.

It’s all pointed in that direction.

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7 Signs Your Business Is Running You

2. You’re using hierarchy to move people.

You have become so wrapped up in urgency that you are crossing the boundaries into telling people what to do or doing things for them. This serves to make them think that they are useless and that you think you are better than them. Driving stress, poor culture, quiet quitting and high staff churn

3. You have become reliant upon short term negative consequences to cause you to act

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50% of CEOs report feelings of loneliness

60% of first time CEOs report loneliness to the degree that it negatively impact performance.

Not surprisingly really

When polled public speaking comes out as # 1 of peoples greatest fears. That is to say, it ranks HIGHER than fear of death.

The Anterior Cingulate Cortex in the brain is on constant high alert to public failure and in particular INDIVIDUAL public failure.

Which is a thought that can make someone feel pretty alone and under the spot light.

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11 Things To Quit If You Want To Get Off The Energy Rollercoaster

More than anything else your energy is contagious.

Enthusiasm and passion are great and I’ve seen leaders carry themselves on it for incredible lengths of time.

But wired energy, nervous energy, hyper vigilant energy, afternoon energy slumps and home energy crashes take their toll on your health, ability to focus, and your significant relationships while also setting the tone for the type of energy running through the business.

The best part is, that these changes don’t require massive investments in time and energy outside of what you’re already committing to.

They just require a change in habit. The reward will be more energy, more focus, more clarity, more calm and more presence.

The potential of where those things will take you and your business are impossible to measure and limited only by your imagination

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9 Things to stop 🛑 doing NOW if you want to build your business with less stress, overwhelm and sleepless nights

These 9 things aren’t easy. They usually come as a set. If you can’t imagine doing one it’s probably because another one is not already in place that is making it seem impossible.

But if you want to be the calm, consistent and stable leader to your team you must operate yourself in a way that creates than calmness, consistency and clarity inside of you. You cannot fake it. The body, your words and your actions give off too many clues. You are the indicator that your team responds to. They will only change when you do.

Are you ready to start spreading calmness and clarity?

Or perhaps a better question, how much longer are you willing

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Science and Cocktails - Andrew Humberman

Every single cell in the body has a 24 hour clock inside of it. The eyes are actually brain, they grew out of it in order to help us navigate the outside world but also to help set this 24 hour clock.

The yellow blue light of the sun low in the sky both in the morning (most importantly) and in the evening is what sets this 24 hour clock.

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The Logic of Overwhelm

I should be helping more at home, I should be helping my team, I should be connecting with the customers and keeping them happy, the show ends if I don’t keep the board happy, I’m getting fat, unhealthy and my sleep is suffering I should be doing more for my health!

The first step I have my clients take is to let go of the should, the must, the have to, even if just for a while.

Focusing on what’s not being done only grows the feeling of hopelessness which grows that feeling of overwhelm and exhaustion.

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How to create employees who feel overworked and overwhelm

That’s cool and you’ll get better and better at that with practise too but when there is opportunity to refine NOW your best gets better NOW. You are literally missing an opportunity to get better every time you fail to do this (I added that last line on my second run through this).

You don’t need to wait for your 100th book to produce something you’re proud of.

This ISN’T about perfection at all.

It’s about EXCELLENCE.

Which means taking a step towards more closely fulfilling your pre-defined criteria every time the opportunity arises.

An email is not just an email, a social media post not just a social media post, a book not just a book and a conversation not just a conversation.

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3 Bits of Terrible but all too Common Leadership Advice and What to do Instead

Advice from a qualified source is rarely bad. People tend to give the advice that they need to hear and if they have been or are in a similar situation to you then its likely good advice.

If it’s the advice that they need to hear though it probably means that a. It worked for them but b. They weren’t able to stick to it.

This is what neuroscience teaches us.

Most often we know what to do, we just can’t get ourselves to consistently do it.

What follows is 3 examples of Good Advice that we struggle to take and what to do about it.

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8 skills you MUST master to be an effective Leader

The brain is a survival machine that creates survival mechanisms to protect itself.

Many of these protection mechanisms can inadvertently cause problems inside an organisation.

The leaders must master these 8 skills to not be taken over by these mechanisms.

That is in part, what it means to lead.

To own your own emotions and behaviours in response to what is happening around you.

Which of these 8 do you most need to place your attention on?

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Are you stuck Micro-managing, instructing, motivativing, driving urgency and trying to control everything?

Contrary to popular belief this ISN’T because you are bad, wrong or because your team are.

In this video

* The belief that makes the need for motivation, willpower, urgency and control inevitable

* Why we actually struggle to achieve our goals and lead others to do the same

* The new understand that if we adopted will change everything from how you lead yourself to how you lead others

* The neuroscience understanding that will transform yours and your teams life

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Why Start Up Stress is Not Only Inevitable but Desirable

My clients love this way of thinking about stress because it moves it from the abstract feeling that needs ‘managing’ to something concrete that’s both normal, not ‘bad’ and most importantly actually provides huge growth for you and the business when faced skilfully.

So putting my neuroscience hat on for a moment stress is one of two things;

  1. It’s a lack of prediction and response in the current environment.


2. It’s an unskillful prediction and response in the current environment.

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Why founder teams fail (and how to make sure you don’t) 

Throw your mind back to when you first got together, you were the dream team. You loved spending time with each other. You shared values, beliefs and ideals and you were going to change the world while constructing a utopia together. Something like that anyway.

You had a mutual admiration for each other's skills and you strongly believed that together you could go further and faster than you could alone. You complemented each other in the best way imaginable.

The business that you were going to create was going to be fun and seamless, because you could almost end each other's sentences. You were so excited to get started because you knew how much fun it was going to be, and the incredible things that you could accomplish together.

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How to build a business that owns YOU

Whether you’re building to sell or building for profit or BOTH suffering your way to success is a process that has a lot of victims. You SUFFER because when you’re living a life you loath you experience the EXACT life you didn’t want for yourself along with your health, energy, mood, and relationships all suffering.

Your loved ones suffer as they get the worse of you as they get the tail end of your energy, the worst of your mood, the guilt of your suffering for them and the least of your time. Even your colleagues and the business suffer as the energy, enthusiasm and inspiration required to both operate and sell a business can’t be faked for long.

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8 Myths about work life balance my clients don’t believe anymore...

Eventually every leader realises that you can have all the success in the world. But if you don’t have good quality time and energy left to spend with the people you love then it’s all for nothing. But when it was HUSTLE and HARD WORK that got you where you are it can be hard to believe there is any other way. Yet believe you MUST if you are to start taking steps towards creating it.

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14 things I’ve Learned In My 14 Years of Working with Business Leaders

Business leaders tend to wear ‘hard work’ as a badge of honour. Arriving first, leaving last and then continuing to work into the evening often stay up til midnight and beyond.

They do this despite the fact that they aren’t being paid to work hard. They are being paid to keep the business in high performance mode and the best way to do that is to keep themselves in high performance mode. A tired and overwhelmed leader will soon start making decisions based on their own limited bandwidth and will quickly create a tired and overwhelm business. I help my clients to find and protect their own high performance mode so that they can better support the business to locate and maintain high performance mode.

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10 Things My Most Successful Clients Are Doing That You’re Probably Not

Successful leaders seem to have more patience, more presence and more time. They never seem in a rush or to be OVERWHELMED by business and life. Ultimately the difference between the successful and the overwhelmed leaders is what they DO. In this ‘mini series’ I will highlight the 10 major differences between my SUCCESS clients and struggling leaders I speak to.

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