How to build instant confidence

It's happened about ten times now 

Somebody walks up to me and says something at 100 miles an hour in Danish, 

and I just stand there with a great big question mark slapped across my Chevy chase. 

My brain just completely accepts the premise,

"this is a Danish conversation, deal with it".

I start looking around gormless, 

"Christina that person is talking at me". 

Confidence, like so many things that we see as ideas or concepts, things we just have, is actually a verb. 

You can plan what you'll say.

You can mentally rehearse.

(I recommend both) 

But until you act, confidence will never grow, 

It is a description of what has just happened not what one is. 

The great thing about it though is that it's often situationally transferable, 

and it works like a computer game.

Slay the dragon and then you're on to the next level, 

further into the game. 

After each dragon killed, you're stronger. 

You do the deed

You realise it wasn't life threatening. 

You are suddenly a more confident person. 

If you don't feel ready for the actual thing, start at an easier level and power up. 

Ask for a discount in a shop
Ask someone out
Give your speech to one person, then 3, then 8

You'll never look back 

Ed Ley
