Immigrating is very family intensive

You spend a LOT of time together. 

Something I've noticed, I'd noticed before but more acutely now with all this time in each others pockets... 

My children are geniuses. 

This isn't a proud dad thing although I am and it is. 

Annabelle is visually creative
Incredibly kind and empathetic
and also strategic.

Sophia is unbelievably imaginative
and insanely determined but also
very funny.

This isn't just about my children though, this is about all children. 

We used to think of children as empty vessels that we pushed information into, that their IQ was their genetic ability to absorb and implement. 

We all have ways of thinking and acting that just seem right to us. Whether we see them in an early role model or we are born with them is irrelevant. 

What's important is they take early in life and they stick. Hard.

The challenge for the parent is to identify and nurture that genius. 

It's so easy to dismiss empathy as over emotional. 

It's so easy to dismiss determined and stubborn as just badly behaved. 

So many of us have had our gifts 🎁 and our genius retold to us as our failings. 

We were all children once, we all have genius. 

We all have traits that are unparalleled by anyone else we know.

Those things aren't things (tasks) they are the way we approach things. 

Success, happiness, fulfilment what ever you want to call it, it comes when we go all in on our genius. 

I love that I get to show my children this. 

Tell me.

Actually tell me.

I'd love to know.

What's your child's genius?


What's yours?

Ed Ley
