You Have All the Technology You Need to Optimise Your Diet

There is no formula for nutrition that could be put in one post...

but there are a few things that are both heavily research supported and that I have found most effective.

[What to eat in order to achieve the best health for you requires deep detective work and literally involves who you were born to, how you were born, trauma, and every illness, ailment, treatment across your life and environments you spend time in.

My wife Christina Andersen does this and helps women turn around some very challenging health problems.]

Like anything else creating the wisdom of what works for you right now requires the combination of knowledge and experience.

If you want to gain the wisdom of what works best for you I would invite you to try each/one of these experiences for 30 days and see what you learn.

1. I invite you to try slowing your breathing before each meal and savouring every mouthful. (Your digestive system won’t work with any other approach)

2. I would invite you to assess how much you consume from day to day. I am yet meet a person carrying excess fat who wasn’t UNDER eating to the point of other health issues coming up.

3. I would invite you to try eating 1.5-2g of quality protein per kg of body weight. If you have pain, excess fat or stomach issues, under consumption of protein is probably involved. The literature supporting this could fill a lorry

4. I would invite you to write down what you intend to eat and drink for a week and then notice if you fail to do what you said you would do as a result of a feeling or what someone else said or might think. If you did then you don’t have a food problem you have a brain problem (not in that there is someone wrong with your brain but in that your brain is perceiving a physiological or connection threat that is making adherence impossible). I tell you this because this is most people and it means you’re trying to fix the wrong problem.

5. I would invite you to photograph everything you consume for a week and then review it. It is incredibly rare that we know what we eat. Unless we are measuring we are wrong. Trying to fix something without mapping the present terrain usually leads to over correction and becoming even more lost.

6. I would invite you to make your meals large enough that snacking is no longer required. Craving are a sign of under eating more than anything else they might be. Keep increasing the size until the cravings are gone.

7. I would invite you to eliminate processed food and drinks again just for 30 days and see how you feel. Often filler creeps in to our diet for no reason but social conformity and it can have a huge impact on our health physically and mentally and prevent our body from producing health and cleaning itself properly. Even if it doesn’t show in body fat it IS slowly causing chaos for later.

8. I would invite you to consume a lot of water with something in it. Lime, lemon, salt, fulvic minerals, anything to support absorption. 3-4 litres would be a good place to start testing.

Remember, these are just invitations. Experiments to try and see how you feel. In my experience each can make a huge difference on their own.