Excess FAT isn't a GREED or LAZINESS problem - EVER

You don’t have a GREED or LAZINESS problem

It’s true, you might have a problem that manifests it’s self in excess fat storage.

It’s also true that part of the ingredients of that problem might be an overconsumption of calories for the amount you are burning from day to day.

But laziness, as in the deliberate and wilful resistance of movement is not nor never has been the problem.

Nor is the problem the deliberate drive towards overconsumption of calories to the point of discomfort at each and every meal because you want it ALL for yourself.

In fact aside from those who might be mentally ill gluttony and sloth as defined above are never the problem.

But everyone at some point has a VALUES problem where our values cause us to act in direct opposition to the thing that we need to do to produce the outcome we desire.

Eg you (morally) value a way of eating that is causing the issue

And everyone at some point has a internal environment problem where the brain detects a lack of the exact thing that it NEEDS for survival and so drives certain survival based behaviours regardless of the consequences.

Eg You are missing a fundamental vitamin and so your brain drives overeating

or indeed the presence of something which the most effective method of survival is the storage of fat.

Eg You have toxins your body cannot eliminate

Everybody at some point has a BELIEFS problem where the system they believe they need to employ to create the result they desire is acting against the result they desire.

Eg You believe you are greedy and so delicately under eating and fail to get what you need.

We all of us have had a SHAME problem where we act as we believe others want us to for fear of social isolation.

Eg you eat or drink to fit in social

And all of us have HABIT problems where the particular environment we are in and our current interpretation of it make certain feelings, thoughts and then actions occur automatically almost without our conscious awareness. Those behaviours although we may not wish to experience the later consequences are still no less habitual.

Eg. You habitually eat biscuits with morning coffee

We all have THREAT problems where particular environments trigger behaviours that seem to contradict our values, beliefs and even our purpose to the extent where we cannot comprehend our own behaviour.

Eg you comfort eat as a stress response and have a lot of stress.

But NO. Nobody has a greed or laziness problem. Not in any area of life.

Until we REMOVE perceived threats, any introduction of new intervention will either be of little effect or will re-enforce the idea that we are greedy and lazy.

And until we RITUALISE the simple systems that will lean the body towards health and safety without feeling the need to chase the shiny and new we will be constantly pulled back into old patterns.

The brain is a survival machine, it will do what ever it take to create survival up to and including driving fat storage. It not until the survival needs have been met that we are free to focus the pursuit of goals.
