People Often Think that Coaching is About Giving Advice but the Truth is, Most Advice Sucks

Take the advice' work harder' for example. On the surface it might SOUND like good advice but...

as advice its as likely to fall on someone who is chronically overworking as it is under working.

And in neither case is the cause of this effect a straightforward conscious decision.

Nobody says to themselves ‘TODAY I will overwork and negatively impact my health and relationships.’

Just like nobody saying to themselves ‘today I will under work and jeopardise the success of the business and my career.’

We all know this really.

It is BELIEF that drives action and ADVICE seldom changes belief.

So even with awareness of the particular case, actually seeing evidence of overwork or underwork the advice is ignorant at BEST.

This didn’t come to me in a moment of realisation.

It slowly emerged. It took MANY realisations for the penny to finally drop.

And a lot of ‘untaken’ yet paid for advice given.

REALISATIONS (things made real) NEVER happen externally, they happen internally and they are the seed of transformation.

And they can be incredibly rapid.

My FAVOURITE moment with my clients is when I speak to them at the start of our second session.

They tell me things are MUCH better.

LESS overwhelm and they finally have some overskud (surplus) to think.

MORE energy to face the challenges ahead that now seem surmountable.

MORE presences with those they love, their family actually notice the difference.

MORE freedom as they finally have control over their time.

That’s the power of realisations when they are quickly followed by a SPECIFIC and PRECISE process that supports a realisation, habit follows.

Realisations only come when we go inward. That’s what I help my clients to do and I’m always amazed at what they find and then create.
