Today was a day of furniture construction

It's always more time consuming than you expect it to be and if you've got young children it can make the challenge all the more difficult. 

The wardrobe alone had over 350 bits and no, there weren't 150 of those little nails that you only ever use 20 of. 350 legit time consuming bits. 

The really interesting thing about both parenting and building furniture is as with most things it mirrors life. 

The best way to master a skill is to teach it to someone who knows less. 

The best way to discover where you need to up skill is to notice when you become frustrated or what you're doing. 

The best way to teach is to imagine you are teaching a 5 year old. 

The best way to learn what you think is sometimes to ask someone else what they think and see if it fits for you. 

Frustration is most often overcome by slowing down and teaching that 5 year old out load. 

*5 year old not always provided. 

It's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that in our frustration we discover what other people need to work on. 

In reality relationships are where we discover the things that we most need to work on, and frustration is the alarm that points us in the right direction. 

If you don't want to work on them, you likely stumbled upon the wrong page :)

I hope you're all having a good week. 

Check out our new sofa corner. 

Ed Ley
