It's not anxiety

It's not overwhelm 

It's not fear 

They are labels and labels tend to identify the extremes and because of it very few people identify with any of them. 

*Except for extreme times I guess. 

It's - 

an increased tendency to pay undue attention to the negative thoughts. 

I've had one of those days today. 

"Can I do this?
Start again from scratch
A new business in a country where I don't speak the language, this is mental..."

We all get them, 
They can start to breed if we let them. 

They often hang off the back of our habits. 

I'll explain,

I've been in holiday mode.

Staying up later than normal with the girls still waking up at 5:30am
Drinking more alcohol 🍺 than normal
Eat more processed food than normal

The result is not feeling as energised as I normally do. 

Energised body = Energised mind

Lethargic body = Lethargic mind 

It just doesn't bat away the negative thoughts as well as it should. 

And contrary to popular belief we cannot avoid negative thoughts. 

Without them the human race would not survive. 

We can however quickly identify whether they are useful thoughts or not, 

Then act on them or dismiss them. 

It's so easy for them to trigger a spiral

Poor health choice - feeling run down - believe negative thoughts - medicate them - repeat/accelerate. 

Our habits become the things that drown us as they push us towards those emotional extremes.

Constructive habits are the answer, daily rituals. 

That and awareness of when we have started to believe negatively. 

So today,
No booze. 
Early night. 

Back to daily rituals. 

Ed Ley 

