
I love podcasts unlike a tedx talk or even an article there is a laid back conversational style that allows the listener to relax and just listen without feeling the need to really focus. The side effect of this, I believe is a superior learning experience.

On this page I will be linking podcasts i’ve been a guest on:

The global Denmark Podcast

Ok so this is my podcast but having interviewed some top leaders, authors and shapers of Denmark my co-host Thomas Mulhern decided to turn the mic on each other. This way him interviewing me about all things physical and mental performance.

The Sandro Forte Podcast

Sandro Forte is an author, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and Managing Director of Forte Finance. He makes regular appearances on television and radio; performs speaking engagements for companies like Virgin Atlantic, Apple, Mercedes, and Microsoft; and gives financial advice to celebrities, sports stars, and high net worth individuals. I was honoured to be invited to be a guest on his podcast and talk about how I help business leaders to optimise their physical and mental performance.

The Elemental health podcast

Join Nick Quinton as he dives in deep with Ed Ley. Ed has had an interesting  life and we have a wide ranging conversation about health. we also unpick some details around Ed's Tedx talk, "Why our beliefs about food and exercise mean we're doomed to fail". 

Working with some of the top business minds Ed currently coaches busy people and helps them understand how to get back in touch with their bodies and live a fuller life without the stress.


We cover, Will power and how it doesn't work, Weakness, how we perceive our weaknesses and how the neuroscience needs to be understood to make a change. Why the Mind-Body connection is important and how to listen to your body if you want to be healthy.

The absolute health podcast

Ok , this is my new solo project telling little stories from my life making the neuroscience of behavioural change simple and accessible.
