Yesterday is the single most accurate predictor of today

Did you fail to fulfil your commitments to put your health and energy first yesterday.

Or did you, despite the chaos, take the very steps required to energise yourself putting you in the best possible state for the day.

Did you get sucked into your phone or laptop after work.

Or did you keep your commitment to be present with your family.

Did you operate through anxiety, overwhelm or stress.

Or did you create clarity, peace and focus.

Did you get pulled into urgency, operating reactively.

Or did you calmly follow a system of priotisation while also responding to those urgent AND important things that do come in from time to time but in a responsive methodical fashion.

Yesterday is the single most accurate predictor of today because yesterday illustrates our habits.

Our goals, ambitions, wishes, stories of how things will be different tomorrow do not.

In fact in most cases our goals, ambitions, wishes and stories of how things will be different tomorrow, next week, next month, next year are habits of THOUGHT that our brain has created in order to justify or rationalise our habits of action or inaction so that we can stay exactly as we are.

Even if it makes us miserable, frustrated or disappointed with ourselves every day.

What happened is what will happen.

The ability to change what happens is equal to our ability to point at what is actually happening and recognise what is no longer skilful.

This is why I love working with entrepreneurs, because this is a key skill in disruption.

Is your brain talking you into staying the same?