Posts tagged founders
8 Questions that will Determine Your Success as a Leader

Your success as a leader will be determined by how you deal with people.

It won’t be defined by your ideas, problem solving, charisma, or brilliance but by how people feel in your organisation.

Do they love working with you and for you. Do they feel valued, inspired, fairly treated, well supported?

This is not just about your current project but will echo into your future.

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Why founder teams fail (and how to make sure you don’t) 

Throw your mind back to when you first got together, you were the dream team. You loved spending time with each other. You shared values, beliefs and ideals and you were going to change the world while constructing a utopia together. Something like that anyway.

You had a mutual admiration for each other's skills and you strongly believed that together you could go further and faster than you could alone. You complemented each other in the best way imaginable.

The business that you were going to create was going to be fun and seamless, because you could almost end each other's sentences. You were so excited to get started because you knew how much fun it was going to be, and the incredible things that you could accomplish together.

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