Posts tagged ed ley
11 things you probably don’t know about me

.1. I loved school and was always incredibly excited to go although it was mostly about the people. I really didn’t understand why school was important so when it came to the work I just did enough to get by.

I wish I had realised sooner why learning, focus and skilful communication was important.

2. I went to church every Sunday from the age of 4 which remained a source of embarrassment for me right up until I stopped at 16. Despite this review I really loved the people and the conversations and laughs we used to have

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Why founder teams fail (and how to make sure you don’t) 

Throw your mind back to when you first got together, you were the dream team. You loved spending time with each other. You shared values, beliefs and ideals and you were going to change the world while constructing a utopia together. Something like that anyway.

You had a mutual admiration for each other's skills and you strongly believed that together you could go further and faster than you could alone. You complemented each other in the best way imaginable.

The business that you were going to create was going to be fun and seamless, because you could almost end each other's sentences. You were so excited to get started because you knew how much fun it was going to be, and the incredible things that you could accomplish together.

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Are you an Impostor?

Do you find yourself making things up on the fly trying to sound like you know what you’re taking about even when you aren’t sure?

Do you find yourself avoiding new approaches even when the current approach isn’t working so well?

Do you feel like you always have to be the smartest in the room?

Do you hate having your ideas challenged?

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Failing Backwards

When we extract the lessons the memory shrinks and at the same time we become more whole in the present and better equipped to succeed at the same challenge.

Often my clients will produce exact steps of how to go about failing at the very challenge they have come to me for help with. With that comes the confident of success in the present.

Thought that might be a cool thing to know. I have found it seriously useful and often I’ll notice that I’m noticeably more relaxed from day to day.

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