2 months before our move to Denmark I bought these 3 note pads...

My plan was that I was literally going to write my dream life, pen and paper is my coach. (I also have one I chat to) 

It's working out pretty well so far so l thought I would share my little formula. 

A scribble pad
A life planner pad
A tweet pad 

*Ok, I'm willing to admit I love stationary and perhaps 3 pads isn't necessary. 

The tweet pad - basically a pad big enough to write tweets on, thoughts, great questions, things I want to refer back to like quotes or book summaries, small notes. 

The scribble pad - I often write one of the above at the top of a page, set a timer for 5 minutes and then write with 1 rule, the hand can't stop. I uncovers some real gems sometimes. I often do my blogs this way and make breakthroughs too. 

The life planner - in this one I wrote down the life that I wanted when I moved here. How I wanted to wake up, how I wanted to go to bed, the person I wanted to be in-between. 

Husband, father, friend, coach, health, food, business, pleasure, learning - about 10 subjects in all - everything.

Then I wrote down 3 things for each point that I was going to do every day to make that happen. 

Sometimes life can seem so complicated that we assume that progress needs to be complicated.,

What's really required is simplicity, action and the willingness to fail, learn and adapt as you go. 


Ed Ley

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