When we announced we were planning to move to Denmark the questions began...

In all honest we were creating our reasons at the same time the questions were coming in. 

The biggest of life's decisions don't require thought or deliberation. In a sense they are just too big to intrust to our ability to breakdown the pros and cons and weigh them correctly. 

Only two things can happen here, we will deliberately heavily weight the pros list to support our already made decision or we will find a way of backing out of the decision we've already made by attaching fear to it. 

The big decisions, relationships, friendships, children, moving, work - they are made with intuition. 

Intuition is like the entirety of our intelligence, it's all of our knowledge, the known and the unknown, the old and the new, the seemingly relevant and the seemingly irrelevant. 

The more clearly we have defined our values and what we believe life and relationship and work is for the more effective our intuition is at choosing a life we want for ourselves. 

Our reasons became the logical layer we placed over the top. 

This is better than that, 
This makes more sense than that. 

It's like a curse. Logic and comparisons forcing us to say something is good or bad. 

But none of it is, 

Bristol was incredible, we LOVE it
Denmark is incredible, we LOVE it 

But this is just how we see it, not objective truth. 

The truth is that comparison is a either pointless or a recipe for discontent. 

What's more, we suck at it. 

Ownership some how causes the colours to fade where as unobtainability causes them to brighten, a product of a brain that is designed to seek more. 

We have weapon against this wiring though, that weapon is appreciation and gratitude for what we have. 

... and what we have is EVERYTHING we need, if it wasn't, we wouldn't have it or we wouldn't be here now, reading this. 

Bizarrely, it is the realisation - that we need nothing more than we already have. - that makes achieving those things we desire, so much easier. 

NEED nothing, DESIRE everything. 

Ed Ley 

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