We are animals


but for our ability to share stories and information, store it and pass it on, there is little that separates us from the animals in the zoo. 

We went to Copenhagen zoo yesterday, 

It's considered one of the best zoos in the world, they are relentlessly committed to giving the animals the best lives they can have. 

The last time we went there was a stressed Polar bear that was just pacing up and down and we put it down to being in captivity. 

It turns out that she just didn't get on with the male polar bear that was in with her... 

*it wasn't what he said it was how he said it... 

The male was swapped out and the bear is now happy. 

We can learn so much from looking at animals. 

The animals in Copenhagen zoo now live longer than they do in the wild. 

Mostly because they have no predators in the zoo.

It is however an indicator that they have got the formula right for them to achieve perfect health. 

The ingredients:

- A partners they connect with
- Food they would naturally consume in the wild
- An environment that promotes physical play
- An environment that promotes sex
- An environment that promotes good quality sleep and rest

They don't count calories, they don't count reps, they just need an environment that promotes health and the rest just falls into place. 

Worth thinking about I think 

Ed Ley

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