My money mistakes

My bed is the most comfortable place on earth. 

I've been sleeping almost every night for nearly 36 years now and only the last 7 weeks in true comfort. 

Previously I've woken up with pins and needles, perhaps a stiff shoulder or because I wasn't that comfortable. I just figured it was a fact of life. 

I would have to say along with black out curtains it's one of the best purchases I've ever made. 

So, last night I was sat with Annabelle on my bed and we were doing the duo Lingo app and up popped a notice saying PAY £8.99 per month now to continue. 

I honestly hadn't anticipated it and I hesitated. 

In fact at the moment of writing this I still haven't set up the payment. 

A long hesitation I know. 

This app will make up 10 minute of my day for I imagine a year while I learn Danish.

That's 29 pence per day that could have a huge positive impact on my life...

... and I hesitated. 

Yet I would think nothing of buying a couple of £2 coffee's in a day. 

That's £1500 a year, 

for a feeling. 

That won't positively impact my life. 

It might even have a negative impact. 

It's so easy to give in and spend on things that we know will bring us comfort but this can often rob us of the lives we want for ourselves. 

Not just by point our funds towards a life we don't want leaving none to point in the direction we wish to go. 

But also in both the time spent and negative impact that our comforters often have on our physical and mental performance and health.

Everything we do, everything we buy has far reaching impact on our lives. 

Every day we make a thousand choices. From today I will be more careful to use impact rather than comfort as my decision making guide. 

I guess there are too us's, the rational future us that we wish to become and the emotion present us that wants to feel safe. 

We have to acknowledge both, look after today us but with the future us always in mind. 

Have a great Sunday 

Ed Ley 


Ps I'm not saying don't buy coffee
