Summers in Denmark come with about 20 hours of good light and full day light before 5am

I've been up for a long time now and it's beautiful and stuff. 

There is something about the quiet of the morning that fills the air with calm and possibility. 

It's a great way to start the day or at least a great feeling to start the day with, I'd like to make it a habit. 

It fascinates me how new environments open us up to dream of new ways of living. 

As Heibb showed in 1949, what fires together, wires together. 

Our current environments become layered with emotionally motivated behaviours. 

The rooms in our house, the people we frequently see, the office, the places we most frequently visit, songs and books and furniture, and clothes, even different times of day.

Eventually our whole environment becomes connected to certain feelings and the combination to certain actions or responses. 

Our lives become equations, programmed responses. 

Trigger - routine - reward - trigger - routine - reward - trigger - routine - reward. 

We become like cartoons, 
We know how everything will play out day after day, minute after minute before it's even happened. 

Those closest to us can even predict our behaviour. 

Our lives become a self-fulfilling prophecy of the expectations of others and the environments we walk into. 

But new environments can change all of that, 

We can change our music.
Change all of the pictures in our house.
Rearrange our furniture. 
Remove those things that motivated behaviours we wish to stop choosing.
Wake up early. 
Change our wardrobe. 
Change our job. 
Choose a different coffee shop.
Join a new club.
Move to a new country. 
Out with the old, in with the new.

We can create a clean slate simply by changing our environments and then choosing a new and pleasurable behaviour to associate with that environment. 

We can remove those environments that leave us stuck and then dream a new dream and live a life less ordinary. 

Have a great weekend 

Ed Ley

