Do what you said you'd do

Today I did all of the stuff and things and it made me think about how we structure our days... 

We all have a most difficult thing we have to do that day...

We all eat every day in a way that reflects how much we value our health... 

We all have a time of day we see our nearest and dearest... 

We all move is a way that reflects how much we value our body's and our health... 

We all sleep in a way that reflects how much we enjoy our days and value our health... 

We all rest to the extent we feel we deserve to...

We all check our email... 

We all have the ability to say, "today will be success if I end it having... "

We are all able to say those things that are most important to us...

We all visit social media... 

We are all able to say which people are most important to us... 

We are all able, with a little thought, to say what most often derails our day and causes it to be less successful... 

We each have our favourite thing that we do - 1 or 2 tasks about our work that me most love to do and are pretty good at... 

We all have a time of day that we are most productive and clear headed and a time of day we are least productive and least clear headed... 

But I wonder. 

If a stranger were to review a week of your life, the things you chose to do and when, the attention you gave to what, the time you gave to what.

Would they give the same answers you gave? 

Because, whether we like it or not. The stranger would only be able to use facts to interpret who and what is important to us, how much we value our health and how we most like to spend our time... 

I think it's worth considering that the greater our level of stress, frustration and discontent with our lives the greater the distance between what we say is important to us and our actions.


Ed Ley 

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