Posts tagged copenhagencoach
They Told me I was Arrogant, that Hurt

I’m fat so I’ll act like I think a fat person would.

I’m a loser so I’ll act like a loser would.

We enter into a never ending spiral of self hatred or something.

Really what we’re looking at is a flaw in the English language.

We can’t actually BE any of those things.

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Grace and Gratitude

We did this thing when I was a kid when we sat down to eat as a family where we would thank God for our food before we ate.

I never completely understood why and I was never completely comfortable doing it but clearly made an impact on me. This was a practise recommended in the Bible.

Regardless of whether you believe in a God or not for a book to survive as long as it has is pretty mind blowing and it is clearly packed with wisdom. It got me thinking about gratitude.

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