How To Make The Competition Irrelevant as an CEO/CXO

How To Make The Competition Irrelevant

The Coca Cola vending machine outside your office sells 100 cans per day. You arrive one morning to see a Pepsi vending machine has arrived next to it. How many do they each sell per day?

Most assume that each machine sells about 50 cans per day.

What actually happens is…

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Ed Ley
Is a lack of urgency killing your business?

This word urgency has swept through the start up world. Many business are trying to follow suit and become more agile.

“Move fast and break things” as Facebook told us.

The question is asked in leadership meetings everywhere,

How do we create a sense of urgency?

Look up the word urgency and the word anxiety is used as a synonym.

For good reason too.

What tends to lead…

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Ed Ley